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jimhuntillustration.com   Annapolis, Maryland   410.990.9494   jimhunt@mindspring.com
All Images on this site copyright 2005 Jim Hunt Illustration All Rights Reserved

My cartoons appear regularly on the commentary pages of



A little bit about this cartoon...
Not exactly comparable scandals in the history of baseball, but sometimes an editorial cartoon starts with a play on words. Or in this case, names. And besides, drawing the character on the right was something I couldn't pass up. I never laugh at my own work. How could I? By the time it's drawn, I've already looked at it WAY too much. I'll usually smile though. That's from the feeling of satisfaction that I get, thinking I've  (hopefully) drawn a good one that day.  -Jim





Check out the the BEST collection of editorial cartoonists you'll find anywhere!

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jimhuntillustration.com   Annapolis, Maryland   410.990.9494   jimhunt@mindspring.com
All Images on this site copyright 2005 Jim Hunt Illustration All Rights Reserved